Hosted Servers
Hosted Servers
Hosted Servers
Hosted Servers
Wilderness Sentinel
HP, Windows, Unix, VMWare
Early Bushfire Detection System

Revolutionising Safety with Cutting-Edge Technology.

Hosted Servers
Dedicated Virtual Servers

Fully customised servers to meet your business demands.

HP, Windows, Unix, VMWare
Co-located Data Centre
Co-Located Data Centre

Locally hosted servers, daily backups, 24/7 phone support.

Website & DNS Solutions
Website & DNS Solutions

Complete website hosting solutions to suit developers & business.

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Making IT easier.

Tasmania’s leading hosting provider. It’s really pretty simple. We offer the same, if not better, pricing and performance as any other provider in the country but we are local! Our service team and infrastructure is all based in Tasmania.
Our support and expertise is what sells the business.

Hosted Servers

Hosted Servers

Forget about your businesses in-house server troubles. We can host and manage them! Benefits start with high availability, redundancy and 24/7 phone support.

Office 365 Support

Techquity can provision and support the Microsoft Office 365 cloud-based service. Office 365 is designed to help meet your organization's needs for robust security, reliability and user productivity.



Techquity I.T. support ensures that your business runs smoothly - with on site and remote support available we can meet any requirement and solve any problem.

Hardware Sales

Hardware Sales

At Techquity we believe that each client we support represents a unique business model and as such we will only provide the solution that best suits your needs.
